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Class Phalcon\Flash\Session

extends Phalcon\Flash

implements Phalcon\FlashInterface, Phalcon\DI\InjectionAwareInterface

Temporarily stores the messages in session, then messages can be printed in the next request


public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)

Sets the dependency injector

public Phalcon\DiInterface getDI ()

Returns the internal dependency injector

protected array _getSessionMessages ()

Returns the messages stored in session

protected _setSessionMessages ()

Stores the messages in session

public message (string $type, string $message)

Adds a message to the session flasher

public array getMessages ([string $type], [boolean $remove])

Returns the messages in the session flasher

public output ([boolean $remove])

Prints the messages in the session flasher

public __construct ([array $cssClasses]) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Phalcon\Flash constructor

public Phalcon\FlashInterface setImplicitFlush (boolean $implicitFlush) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Set the if the output must be implictly flushed to the output or returned as string

public Phalcon\FlashInterface setAutomaticHtml (boolean $automaticHtml) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Set the if the output must be implictly formatted with HTML

public Phalcon\FlashInterface setCssClasses (array $cssClasses) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Set an array with CSS classes to format the messages

public string error (string $message) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Shows a HTML error message


 $flash->error('This is an error');

public string notice (string $message) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Shows a HTML notice/information message


 $flash->notice('This is an information');

public string success (string $message) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Shows a HTML success message


 $flash->success('The process was finished successfully');

public string warning (string $message) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Shows a HTML warning message


 $flash->warning('Hey, this is important');

public outputMessage (string $type, string $message) inherited from Phalcon\Flash

Outputs a message formatting it with HTML


 $flash->outputMessage('error', $message);