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Class Phalcon\Annotations\Reflection

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Class Phalcon\CLI\Console\Exception

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Class Phalcon\CLI\Console

implements Phalcon\DI\InjectionAwareInterface, Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface

This component allows to create CLI applications using Phalcon


public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)

Sets the DependencyInjector container

public Phalcon\DiInterface getDI ()

Returns the internal dependency injector

public setEventsManager (Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface $eventsManager)

Sets the events manager

public Phalcon\Events\ManagerInterface getEventsManager ()

Returns the internal event manager

public registerModules (array $modules)

Register an array of modules present in the console


    'frontend' => array(
            'className' => 'Multiple\Frontend\Module',
            'path' => '../apps/frontend/Module.php'
    'backend' => array(
            'className' => 'Multiple\Backend\Module',
            'path' => '../apps/backend/Module.php'

public addModules (array $modules)

Merge modules with the existing ones


    'admin' => array(
            'className' => 'Multiple\Admin\Module',
            'path' => '../apps/admin/Module.php'

public array getModules ()

Return the modules registered in the console

public mixed handle ([array $arguments])

Handle the whole command-line tasks