Micro Applications ================== With Phalcon you can create "Micro-Framework like" applications. By doing this, you only need to write a minimal amount of code to create a PHP application. Micro applications are suitable to implement small applications, APIs and prototypes in a practical way. .. code-block:: php get('/say/welcome/{name}', function ($name) { echo "

Welcome $name!

"; }); $app->handle(); Creating a Micro Application ---------------------------- :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Micro <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Micro>` is the class responsible for implementing a micro application. .. code-block:: php ` manages routing internally. Routes must always start with /. A HTTP method constraint is optionally required when defining routes, so as to instruct the router to match only if the request also matches the HTTP methods. The following example shows how to define a route for the method GET: .. code-block:: php get('/say/hello/{name}', function ($name) { echo "

Hello! $name

"; }); The "get" method indicates that the associated HTTP method is GET. The route /say/hello/{name} also has a parameter {$name} that is passed directly to the route handler (the anonymous function). Handlers are executed when a route is matched. A handler could be any callable item in the PHP userland. The following example shows how to define different types of handlers: .. code-block:: php Hello! $name"; } $app->get('/say/hello/{name}', "say_hello"); // With a static method $app->get('/say/hello/{name}', "SomeClass::someSayMethod"); // With a method in an object $myController = new MyController(); $app->get('/say/hello/{name}', array($myController, "someAction")); //Anonymous function $app->get('/say/hello/{name}', function ($name) { echo "

Hello! $name

"; }); :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Micro <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Micro>` provides a set of methods to define the HTTP method (or methods) which the route is constrained for: .. code-block:: php get('/api/products', "get_products"); //Matches if the HTTP method is POST $app->post('/api/products/add', "add_product"); //Matches if the HTTP method is PUT $app->put('/api/products/update/{id}', "update_product"); //Matches if the HTTP method is DELETE $app->put('/api/products/remove/{id}', "delete_product"); //Matches if the HTTP method is OPTIONS $app->options('/api/products/info/{id}', "info_product"); //Matches if the HTTP method is PATCH $app->patch('/api/products/update/{id}', "info_product"); //Matches if the HTTP method is GET or POST $app->map('/repos/store/refs')->via(array('GET', 'POST')); Routes with Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defining parameters in routes is very easy as demonstrated above. The name of the parameter has to be enclosed in brackets. Parameter formatting is also available using regular expressions to ensure consistency of data. This is demonstrated in the example below: .. code-block:: php get('/posts/{year:[0-9]+}/{title:[a-zA-Z\-]+}', function ($year, $title) { echo "

Title: $title

"; echo "

Year: $year

"; }); Starting Route ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Normally, the starting route in an application is the route /, and it will more frequent to be accessed by the method GET. This scenario is coded as follows: .. code-block:: php get('/', function () { echo "


"; }); Rewrite Rules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following rules can be used together with Apache to rewrite the URis: .. code-block:: apacheconf RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?_url=/$1 [QSA,L] Working with Responses ---------------------- You are free to produce any kind of response in a handler: directly make an output, use a template engine, include a view, return a json, etc.: .. code-block:: php get('/say/hello', function () { echo "

Hello! $name

"; }); //Requiring another file $app->get('/show/results', function () { require 'views/results.php'; }); //Returning a JSON $app->get('/get/some-json', function () { echo json_encode(array("some", "important", "data")); }); In addition to that, you have access to the service :doc:`"response" `, with which you can manipulate better the response: .. code-block:: php get('/show/data', function () use ($app) { //Set the Content-Type header $app->response->setContentType('text/plain')->sendHeaders(); //Print a file readfile("data.txt"); }); Making redirections ------------------- Redirections could be performed to forward the execution flow to another route: .. code-block:: php post('/old/welcome', function () use ($app) { $app->response->redirect("new/welcome"); }); $app->post('/new/welcome', function () use ($app) { echo 'This is the new Welcome'; }); Generating URLs for Routes -------------------------- :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Url ` can be used to produce URLs based on the defined routes. You need to set up a name for the route; by this way the "url" service can produce the corresponding URL: .. code-block:: php get('/blog/{year}/{title}', function ($year, $title) use ($app) { //.. show the post here })->setName('show-post'); //produce a url somewhere $app->get('/', function() use ($app) { echo 'Show the post'; }); Interacting with the Dependency Injector ---------------------------------------- In the micro application, a :doc:`Phalcon\\DI\\FactoryDefault ` services container is created implicitly; additionally you can create outside the application a container to manipulate its services: .. code-block:: php set('config', function() { return new \Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini("config.ini"); }); $app = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro(); $app->setDI($di); $app->get('/', function () use ($app) { //Read a setting from the config echo $app->config->app_name; }); $app->post('/contact', function () use ($app) { $app->flash->success('Yes!, the contact was made!'); }); The array-syntax is allowed to easily set/get services in the internal services container: .. code-block:: php "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "test_db" )); }; $app->get('/blog', function () use ($app) { $news = $app['db']->query('SELECT * FROM news'); foreach ($news as $new) { echo $new->title; } }); Not-Found Handler ----------------- When a user tries to access a route that is not defined, the micro application will try to execute the "Not-Found" handler. An example of that behavior is below: .. code-block:: php notFound(function () use ($app) { $app->response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found")->sendHeaders(); echo 'This is crazy, but this page was not found!'; }); Models in Micro Applications ---------------------------- :doc:`Models ` can be used transparently in Micro Applications, only is required an autoloader to load models: .. code-block:: php registerDirs(array( __DIR__ . '/models/' ))->register(); $app = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Micro(); $app->get('/products/find', function(){ foreach (Products::find() as $product) { echo $product->name, '
'; } }); $app->handle(); Micro Application Events ------------------------ :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Micro <../api/Phalcon_Mvc_Micro>` is able to send events to the :doc:`EventsManager ` (if it is present). Events are triggered using the type "micro". The following events are supported: +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | Event Name | Triggered | Can stop operation? | +=====================+============================================================================================================================+======================+ | beforeHandleRoute | The main method is just called, at this point the application doesn't know if there is some matched route | Yes | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | beforeExecuteRoute | A route has been matched and it contains a valid handler, at this point the handler has not been executed | Yes | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | afterExecuteRoute | Triggered after running the handler | No | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | beforeNotFound | Triggered when any of the defined routes match the requested URI | Yes | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | afterHandleRoute | Triggered after completing the whole process in a successful way | Yes | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ In the following example, we explain how to control the application security using events: .. code-block:: php attach('micro', function($event, $app) { if ($event->getType() == 'beforeExecuteRoute') { if ($app->session->get('auth') == false) { $app->flashSession->error("The user isn't authenticated"); $app->response->redirect("/"); //Return (false) stop the operation return false; } } }); $app = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro(); //Bind the events manager to the app $app->setEventsManager($eventsManager); Middleware events ----------------- In addition to the events manager, events can be added using the methods 'before', 'after' and 'finish': .. code-block:: php before(function() use ($app) { if ($app['session']->get('auth') == false) { $app['flashSession']->error("The user isn't authenticated"); $app['response']->redirect("/error"); //Return false stops the normal execution return false; } }); $app->after(function() use ($app) { //This is executed after the route is executed }); $app->finish(function() use ($app) { //This is executed when is the request has been served }); You can call the methods several times to add more events of the same type. The following table explains the events: +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | Event Name | Triggered | Can stop operation? | +=====================+============================================================================================================================+======================+ | before | Before executing the handler. It can be used to control the access to the application | Yes | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | after | Executed after the handler is executed. It can be used to prepare the response | No | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | finish | Executed after sending the response. It can be used to perform clean-up | No | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ Returning Responses ------------------- Handlers may return raw responses using :doc:`Phalcon\\Http\\Response ` or a component that implements the relevant interface. .. code-block:: php get('/welcome/index', function() { $response = new Phalcon\Http\Response(); $response->setStatusCode(401, "Unauthorized"); $response->setContent("Access is not authorized"); return $response; }); Rendering Views --------------- :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\View ` can be used to render views, the following example shows how to do that: .. code-block:: php setViewsDir('app/views/'); return $view; }; //Return a rendered view $app->get('/products/show', function() use ($app) { // Render app/views/products/show.phtml passing some variables echo $app['view']->getRender('products', 'show', array( 'id' => 100, 'name' => 'Artichoke' )); }); :doc:`Creating a Simple REST API ` is a tutorial that explains how to create a micro application to implement a RESTful web service.